Monday, December 1, 2008


For the last 3 days my friend and neighbor, Cat Schwenck, hosted the 2nd Annual Creative Economy Show & Sale (photos included).  Her warm house with bold and sunny walls--I would call them Van Gogh-like ochre, she calls them "peep" (but they're really more lovely than the color of peeps Cat!)--was transformed into a gallery for local artists and craftspeople.  

Magenta silk scarves, smooth cherry bowls, antique typewriter key earrings, backyard sculpture of seasoned wood married to gold leaf, fine art oils and watercolors, etchings, pure wool knitted bags and hats, pottery fired in nearby kilns, stories carefully told and illustrated on uniquely folded and bound paper, welded treasures from just down the street.....
all made by the hands and souls of people around studios tucked away here in our own Maine--yes, LOCAL.  We're inspired by these simple and stunning surroundings, the woods and water, the clarity of our air, and we're continually inspired by the people residing and working here. Our friends were noticeably happy to be supporting creativity in their neighborhood and visiting with each other!

If you didn't get a chance to stop by, Cat and I will be keeping the studio open throughout December on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.  The "Studio On The Hill" is at 21 Pleasant Hill Road (207.865.0605).  Some of my work will be there or you can visit my little studio in the ell of our house (by appointment 207.837.0156).

ps  one shot shows my "Pomegranite" paintings, encaustic paintings (on the post) and floor cloths!  

And so now, we move on to December (so quickly it seems).  Let's soak up every balsam bough scent, every sip of bubbly or nog, every hug and kind greeting.  

1 comment:

susans said...

Just found your blog & I love your color. Good Luck with it & Merry Christmas.